Thank you Marquee Donors, Sustaining Members and Supporters:
Tibi basia mille, dein centum, dein mille altera... note
Marquee Donors
Mark Baris & Debra Sterling
Al & Sherry Benneian
Kate Butler
Betty N. Cope
Carole Downs Family Trust
Dorothy & Steven Gaynor
Angela & Jeffrey Glosser
Dennis Helfman
In Memory of Lynn Knode
Philip & Ellen Leavitt
Judy Lebeau
John & Carol MacLeod Family Trust
David Manch
Steven Mastroieni
Patrick & Susan McGroder
Candace & Jared McHatton
Jeff Ostreicher
Dan Peitzmeyer
Richard & Kimberly Powers
Jerry Rightnour
Judy Rollings
Scottsdale League for the Arts
The Shannon Foundation
Kirt Shineman & Richard Gallagher
Jack & Kaye Sipperley
Malcolm & Marcia Straus Family Trust
Patti & Peter Suarez
Martha Wasserman & The Dale Wasserman Foundation
Ken & Heidi Haggerty Welborn
Sharon Zeddies
Tibi basia mille, dein centum, dein mille altera...
A thousand kisses to you, then a hundred, then another thousand...
Inspired by a Gaio Valerio Catullo poem:
"Da mi basia mille, deinde centum, dein mille altera, dein secunda centum, deinde usque altera mille, deinde centum..."
"Give me a thousand kisses, then a hundred, then another thousand, then a second hundred, then yet another thousand…"