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Stories are a powerful way to communicate ideas and important messages.


That's what we're trying to do with these videos we're sharing with you:  reminding you that The Studio is special.  We tell wonderful stories that are meaningful, thought-provoking and relevant  to our lives today.  We turn the mirror on ourselves.

If you're touched by these stories, please consider a donation to help The Studio retire our leftover debt caused by the Covid-19 crisis.  It will make a world of difference in our ability to pursue some exciting opportunities in the near future.  Your gift will, in fact, help us write our next chapter and go on sharing amazing stories that entertain, challenge and beguile the human heart.

Thank you.

To learn more, please go HERE.

Support for Theatre Artists Studio is generously provided by:

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THEATRE ARTISTS STUDIO is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Arts Organization

Mailing Address:  4848 E. Cactus Road, Ste. 406 , Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Physical Address:  12406 N. Paradise Village Parkway E., Scottsdale AZ 85254

Site Design by Michael Fleck

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